Monday, February 3, 2014


           Throughout this assigned reading, we see that this mostly talks about class division and social status. Starting off with “The House on Mango Street” which talks about a young woman named Esperanza struggling for her dream. Her dream being to live a high-class life rather then a poor life. We see that this mostly talks about rape, abuse, and control of woman because of what is going on throughout the story. We see Esperanza struggles on Mango Street and we see that she wants to better herself and get away rather then worry about her neighbor Sally getting raped and abused. It seems that it’s hard to get away once you’re slapped on with the notion of lower class.
            In “For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall” I felt that I had made a personal connection to the article because I come from a lower-income family and I am a twin. In the article it talks about how triplets strive to get a better education and they do but they seemed to be overwhelmed by all of the school debt by the end of it. It seemed to me that the girls didn’t enjoy much of there college experience and so the ended up not doing to hot when they got out of college. I especially understand that it is hard to enjoy school when your are struggling to find a job after college. I can relate because my parents are divorced and me and my brother and my mom live on one income, while my dad doesn’t help. I definitely do agree that you need to enjoy life a little more especially in college because once you get out your in the real world now and it’s all work.
            In the Chris Rock video it talks about how there are no signs named after black people. I feel that Chris Rock made a informative argument because he is right and it just goes to show that people still aren’t really for it. When Chris Rock was endorsing Tupac we could see white people’s reactions towards the petition and is showed that people from low class don’t get appreciated much. Nor do they like the fact that we were trying to change the sign to “Tupac Way” or something along the lines of that. I feel that this was an interesting experience to see where America is at when it comes to race and social class. I interpreted it as we still have a long way to go.

            In the last piece, which was the green day music video. We see the art of war and how that can be interpreted. I sort of saw that low class being shown, when we don’t have much, so you go to war to make a name for yourself. This music video shows that you got everything but money and maybe that’s all you need to be happy but for some people that is not enough. So we see this image of war while you also see the image of lost love because you went of to war.

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