I definitely think this is an
interesting topic to think about because many pro football players do own a gun
and do at least have one concussion under their belt. I myself have had two
concussions during my football days in high school. The issue that arises is
that medical professionals don’t tell players when they are concussed, so they
keep playing and get hurt worse. I thought it was interesting to see the CTE
scan because it shows what happens after a hard hitting hit. The first stage is
unnoticeable then it gets very progressive and by the end the damage has
already been done.
When you
watch football, there is definitely things that stand out. One there is a lot
of black football players compared to whites. Two is that a lot of players have
guns because they are so famous they want to feel safe. This is completely
understandable but it’s crazy to think that kids off the street carry hand-guns
just because they want to be part of a gang or something. Looking at the George
Zimmerman case, we see that a young black student gets pulled over and he was
thought to have had a gun and apparently the police officer thought he was
pulling a gun, so he shot him. Only to find out he was really just reaching for
his I.D. When I think about this it is completely stupid because people just a
book by it’s cover and that’s just not right.
Looking at
the Chris Rock/Tiger Woods video, we saw that people in Harlem didn’t know who
Tiger Woods was or they didn’t like golf. There wasn’t really any in between.
We saw that Chris Rock tried to find golf clubs but he wasn’t successful until
he found some at the Salvation Army. What we get from this is that people like
sports that are fun and entertaining like professional football because we can
see hard hits and spectacular plays. I thought it was interesting to look at
the black birders because it sounded to
me that they were rules for black people to follow in order to be considered a
normal person in society. It says like “Don’t wear a hoodie”, this is normally
something everyone does but people get the wrong idea when a black man does it,
everyone feels like it a threat. I just thought it was something interesting to
look at and to me it did have some very good points. We definitely see a lot of
racial targeting happen because people honestly judge at first glance or
someone already have a preconceived notion. I definitely think this has been a
issue for the longest time now and we need to do something about it but I think
nothing gets fixed due to people not giving others the benefit of the dought. When
we look at situations that happen, people tend to just shrug it off, but what
happens when this all happens to a white dude, then everyone freaks out. NOT
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